Struggling To Pay Your Debt Management Plan (DMP)?
If you’re on a debt management plan but have had a loss of earrings you did not anticipate, it can be worrying to make the agreed payment. But, it’s important to remember that a debt management plan is a flexible solution and you can communicate with us so we can support you.
Why Are You Struggling to Pay?
There are many reasons why you could be struggling to pay your debt management plan payment:
What Happens When You Miss a Payment?
Missing a payment can mean the arrangements we have in place with the people you owe money to can be compromised. When this happens they may contact you directly if we are unable to provide the information why you have missed a payment to them. That’s why it’s important you communicate with us straight away to tell us why you are unable to pay.
Can I Reduce My Debt Management Plan Payment?
Yes, a debt management plan is an informal solution so the payment doesn’t have to be set in stone. If you’re struggling to make the payments each month, speak to the team. Remember that offering lower payments will mean it will take longer to pay off your debts.
Bear in mind that if your payments are reduced, your debt may take even longer to pay off.