(Updated 24 July 2023)

Debt Awareness Week 2023

debt awareness week

This week, from 20th-26th March, marks 2023’s ‘Debt Awareness Week’. Created by the debt advice charity StepChange, Debt Awareness Week (DAW) has been held annually for just under a decade, and is designed to break the stigma around debt, raise awareness of having to deal with debt and encourage those in debt to feel less alone.

We are proud to be supporting Debt Awareness Week, and we will be answering some common questions about it right here in our latest article, so read on to find out more.

What is Debt Awareness Week?

First launched in 2014, Debt Awareness Week was a way debt advice charity StepChange decided to spread the word about the problems thousands of people across the UK encountered when it came to debt. Often wrongfully seen as something to be embarrassed or ashamed of, many people deal with debt alone and do not want to reach out for help for that very reason.

The exposure afforded to Debt Awareness Week encouraged those dealing with debt to see that they are not dealing with it single handedly, and that debt advice companies such as ourselves are here to help you in a non-judgmental manner.

What is This Year’s Theme?

The theme of this year’s Debt Awareness Week is ‘debt can happen to anyone’. With the rise in cost of living since late 2021, more and more people across the UK have been dealing with debt – many of them for the very first time. For a wide range of people, this can seem like a daunting prospect. The main objective of this year’s DAW is to help those who are encountering debt for the first time, and offer them the right tools to navigate their debt in a way which is manageable and limits stress.

We offer a free online debt advice tool on our website which has started thousands of people on their journey to being debt free. Our tool is completely free to use, and asks a number of questions about your situation. Whether you know which debt solution is right for you, or you simply would like some advice, our tool is a fantastic place to start.

How Can I Get Involved With Debt Awareness Week?

There are a number of ways which you can get involved with Debt Awareness Week 2023. If you are currently dealing with debt yourself and are yet to reach out, DAW is the perfect time to do so. Our understanding advisors are always on-hand to discuss your debt, whether it be through our free debt advice tool, a telephone conversation or email. Find our full contact options here.

Though you may not even know it, people around you may be experiencing problems with debt, and even just starting a conversation about DAW may be the first step in helping people to get advice. Sometimes, just reassuring your loved ones that they are not alone in this is reason enough for them to reach out for help.

You can also use the #DebtAwarenessWeek to get involved with the conversation on social media. Social media platforms are key when it comes to spreading awareness online and helping to remove the stigma surrounding debt.

What Can We Do To Help Those Dealing With Debt?

No matter who you are, your background, your gender, your age, your living situation and more, we are here to help everybody who reaches out to us when it comes to debt. To date, we have already supported over 32,500 people with their debts, and we’re ready to help you too.

We can talk through your options, and work alongside you to come up with the best solution for your unique situation. Alongside our free debt advice tool, we also have other tools to aid you in making the most of what is available to you – why not check out our free online benefits calculator whilst you’re here? Our advice is free, impartial and always professional, and we will always point you in the right direction.

Don’t have an account with us and are looking for debt advice?

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Angel Advance provides online debt advice to get you back on track and make your finances more manageable.

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