(Updated 24 June 2024)

Will the Lockdown Changes Impact Your Finances?

Lifting cage from on top of house

This week sees the next step in the government’s roadmap to end the national lockdown. Many are making the most of the warmer spring weather and visiting local beer gardens; others visiting local zoos, theme parks and indoor leisure facilities such as gyms and swimming pools. Let’s look at what step 2 means for us!

You might be feeling cautious and anxious about this next step, after all, it has been a while since we experienced the old ‘normal’, so understanding the new rules will hopefully help make the process a little easier.

come in we're open signPubs and restaurants

The hospitality industry has taken a huge hit since the pandemic, so it’ll be good to get out and support them again.

The 12th of April means that you can now sit outside and enjoy a drink, or meal – you won’t be required to have a substantial meal like previous rules, but you won’t be allowed inside just yet.

Leisure facilities

Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools can now open. It’s thought that the pandemic will have had a profound effect on mental health, and it’s proven that exercise can improve mental health, so getting back into a routine or starting exercise could really help.

Non-essential shops & personal care

We’ve been used to home haircuts and reusing clothes more during the pandemic, so many are desperate for a trip to the local salon. The good news is that retail stores, hairdressers, nail salons and other personal care providers are now able to open.


With international travel still banned, many families are considering a UK staycation. Step 2 in the roadmap means that self-contained accommodation can now open, so a break away with members from your household becomes possible.

Better times ahead

Whilst the latest reduction in restrictions offers some hope and light at the end of the tunnel, it’s also bound to mean an increase in expenses.

The last year has meant that some families have built up savings, others cleared small outstanding debts. With the ability to go out again and spend money, steering clear from reverting to old ways is possible.

Setting budgets that are within your means and being vigilant with spending will hopefully keep that rainy day fund growing, whilst being able to enjoy more time with friends and family!

Worried about your debts?

Paying your debts back may have felt somewhat easier due to the lack of things to spend on, but if you’re worried about affording debt payments and sustaining outgoings too, there is help available.

If you’re in an endless cycle of borrowing to cover borrowing and general expenses, breaking the spiral may feel a million miles away. The sooner you seek help, the sooner your debt spiral can end.

Angel Advance offers free, impartial debt advice in complete confidence. If speaking on the phone isn’t your cup of tea, we can offer debt advice completely online via our Online Debt Advice Tool. If you’d like to speak to an experienced debt advisor, you can call us on 01925 599400 or email info@angeladvance.co.uk.

Don’t have an account with us and are looking for debt advice?

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Angel Advance provides online debt advice to get you back on track and make your finances more manageable.

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